Let’s get to the point, sales are the most important part for every successful business and we must close them quicker and more often. Here are 5 Key points to use.

1. “THE HOOK” This part is where something you have or say grabs the potential clients attention. (e.g., they see your product or react and listen to your idea/service.)

2. “SOLVE THEIR PROBLEM” Consumers purchase products that they believe will solve a problem they have. You must clearly explain how this will benefit their life.

3. “WHAT IS THE DIFFERENCE”. Explain to the buyer what’s different about your product, and the others in the market. (e.g., faster, durable or more effective)

4. “WHY SHOULD THEY CARE” — is all about demonstrating the benefits of using your product. When discussing your product’s features, you can’t just spout facts. You need to understand why a buyer should care about that feature, and how it contributes to solving the problem you outlined.

5. “CALL TO ACTION”. This is perhaps the most important of all. You have to close the sale ask them to get started. Do not let them cool down or save it for another day.

Always approach sales from a helping perspective. Instead of focussing on making the sale, just focus on what the product means to the buyer.